Monday, October 26, 2009

Perhaps it is because we read to her?

Or maybe she just gets it from her Geekin. Either way, I am impressed with Isla's vocabulary.

Yesterday, Isla found the tops to some acorns, which she and her Geekin had previously decided made good hats for squirrels. She told me she would take them to her Geekin's house for the squirrels there.

Isla: "When we get to Geekin's house, I will give these to the squirrels. And what will the squirrels be?"

Me: "I don't know. What?"

Isla: "Delighted."


Pier said...

I'm sure the squirrels were only half as delighted as Geekin was to spend time with his friend.

Anonymous said...

Mary - you are a fabulous writer and a phenomenal mother. My mom read to me voraciously and my very first word was book. LOVED this story!!! I"m sending to some of my young mom friends (like Jen). Love you so much, Mary Esther! - Aunt Diane/Diane/Auntie Di