Sunday, June 10, 2007

Some of my favorite...

Cleaning Products!!!

Did you realize that most kitchen wipes and sprays still require you to rinse the surface with potable water after using them? That is why I love Clorox Anywhere Spray. You spray it on, let it sit for two minutes, and then wipe it off. On the weekends, when my fridge tends to be emptier, I move everything to one side, and spray the empty side. After 2 minutes, I wipe it off, move everything to the other side and repeat the process. I am loving how much cleaner my fridge is. I also use it regularly on Isla's high chair. Love it!!

Another favorite of mine is Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I think these sponges really are magic. They work wonders on my doors and cabinets. I also use them on our windowsills and baseboards. They clean the baseboards better than anything else I have tried, and when my baseboards are clean, my entire house looks cleaner. (On a side note, do not let your children use these. I read a scary story about a child who burned his skin/had an allergic reaction to these sponges. He had to go to the emergency room for an oozing rash on his face after he cleaned some doors with them.)

For some other interesting cleaning products that you can find around your house, check this out. Those Brits have the best television shows.