Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A La-La Ha-Ha

Yesterday, at Costco, Isla and I stopped to look at the books. Isla was fussy, so I absentmindedly handed her the first children's book I saw. It was called I See a Monster. She cheered up right away. She pulled on the monster on the cover's red wavy hair and squealed gleefully. She patted the book and smiled at me.

When I didn't find the book I was looking for, I put the Monster book back on the table. Isla's whole face crumpled up.

"You don't want a monster book", I told Isla.

"What about this one?", I asked handing her Who Do You Love?. Isla fussed and pushed it away. Then, I tried Are You Ticklish?. Isla protested loudly.

I handed her back the Monster book, and she squealed with glee. She spent the rest of the shopping trip patting the monster and smiling to herself.

That is my dear, sweet daughter for you. Did she want the book about love, or the book about the baby animals? No, no. She wanted the book about the monsters.